Thursday, September 3, 2020

Reading Reflection Essay Example for Free

Perusing Reflection Essay From the start, I think proficiency has two implications. The primary significance is culture or progress and the subsequent importance is the capacity to compose and peruse. Both importance are fundamentally the same as, they are identified with social information. In any case, in today’s society, proficiency not just methods culture. The idea of data proficiency is individuals can successfully utilize and perceive the data. In addition, individuals can rethinking and assess themselves in today’s data society. By perusing Nunberg’s Teaching Students to Swim in the Online Sea, I think the idea of proficiency is the recognizing capacity of individuals. These days, much information is getting from Internet. These are recycled materials, not the essential sources. A few assets are false. The manner in which each individuals think about the Web is totally different. It tests their recognizing capacities. Like a great many people judge the believability of a site by its outward. The data proficiency intends to have the option to viably recognize, assess, and utilize the data. Additionally, the data education is extending to incorporate the guide, media, and some electronic content. The data proficiency has a more profound importance. Understudies are profoundly recognizable about site and internet searcher. They are viably coordinating the idea of data proficiency into their learning programs. For me, I think the data education is useful for undergrads. Since it can enable them to perceive when the data is required, they can utilize the data. Proficiency data is progressively significant in school life. Understudies confronted with different, rich data consistently. It was a major test for them.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Redefining Global Strategy Crossing Borders

Question: Talk about the Redefining Global Strategy for Crossing Borders. Answer: Presentation: Pankaj Ghemawats AAA key structure causes the association to increase an upper hand in the market since this encourages the association to have worldwide worth creation. The AAA here represents Adaptation, Arbitration and Aggregation. The adjustment technique causes the association to suit the nearby inclinations of a nation to complete their business. The conglomeration procedure encourages the association to make worldwide efficiencies by accomplishing the economies of scale and the Arbitration system causes the firm to increase upper hand through abusing monetary and different contrasts through the national and the provincial markets that are there (Ghemawat, 2013). The A procedure that the association would pick would rely upon the money related position and standpoint of the firm, for instance, if an organization relies intensely upon the marking, for example, the food and refreshments creating firms ought to receive the Adaptation technique (Ghemawat, 2015). A large portion of the organizations, for example, Nestle and IBM center around only one A technique and the spotlight isn't there much on the different As on the grounds that a move from A to AA to AAA would require both administrative and hierarchical adaptability. It is on the grounds that there is an intrinsic pressure between the three As that are being recognized by Ghemawat. The most significant trap of this specific hypothesis is that the association should utilize one or the two An's of the system. In the event that new components are consolidated in the system, at that point it ought to get fit in the authoritative structure. Also, on the off chance that the procedure fuses new parts, at that point the firm should see that they doing admirably with different activities that are being completed by the association (Ghemawat, 2013). Metcash Limited is a discount promoting and circulating organization that have a specialization concerning basic food item, equipment, alcohol, new produce and the other quick moving things that are there. The association likewise works under not many of the very presumed brand, for example, Miter 10, IGA and Cellarbrations. The organization has two significant subsections the ALM or the Australian Liquor Market and the Independent Brand Australia or the IBA. The ALM claims the Tasman Liquor Companyand it is a completely possessed association that did its activity in the comparable market of New Zealand (Metcash Limited., 2017). Consequently, this specific association could embrace the AAA system as proposed by Pankaj Ghemawat to increase an upper hand in the worldwide market. On account of this firm just a single A could be doable for the association to pick up progress and that is the Adaptation system. The firm should concentrate on the externalization methodologies that shapes a subpart of this specific system or the methodology. Hence, it ought to go for having vital partnerships with different organizations in different nations. It could grow itself through diversifying also. On account of having vital unions, it could pick the rumored lodgings, eateries and the alcohol stores that are there in the nation. In addition, it could likewise make worldwide incentive by having a vital union with the firm having a place with the movement and the travel industry that would likewise assist them with gathering upper hand. The Business Model The plan of action comprises of four significant segments that incorporate the incentive, showcase cooperation, esteem chain foundation and the administration model. The offer comprises of items and administrations that are both substantial and non-unmistakable. The market fragments remember that specific section for the market that the firm would decide to grow their business (Bocken,, 2015). The worth chain foundation manages the key capacities and the inner sources that are there. The administration model incorporates worldwide administration sub model that incorporates the worldwide item divisions and the hierarchical structure. In this way, while the organization chose to go for worldwide extension they should think about each and every component that is there in the model (DaSilva and Trkman, 2014). Consequently, in the event that the organization chose to think about the incentive, at that point they ought to choose whether or not they ought to change their item and the administrations or not. In this way, the decision is connected with the way that to which showcase the firm is entering and why it is entering alongside how it is entering the market. Along these lines, the creating of the worldwide system relies upon how the firm would embrace with their center plan of action and simultaneously, it manages how the association would increase upper hand through their globalized activities. The specific term here has been instituted by two notable individuals and those are Michael Treacy and Fred Wiersema. As indicated by them, the guideline incentives that are there in the plan of action are viewed as the worth trains that are there in the plan of action. The pundits regularly push the limits of the worth control, so as to satisfy the business guidelines that are there. The primary purpose for this is the market heads think about the shopper inclinations as well as simultaneously, attempts to adjust the whole plan of action so as to serve the picked esteem discipline too (Morris,, 2015). The National Australian Bank could grow their business in the worldwide market with the assistance of the worth order that is there in the nation. The worth order of the organization causes the association to perform over the time as well as simultaneously, it encourages the firm to give help and the assistance to the clients too. The association keeps up straightforwardness and this is another purpose for the achievement of the association. Accordingly, the association has given around $300 million home loaning to the individuals and on account of the business loaning, the sum is around $200 million. In this way, it very well may be said that these means nearby the worth chain have been taken to support the clients. It is something that could really assist the association with receiving a decent client base. In this way, as for the accomplishment with respect to the Net Promoter Score, the association has accomplished the main position and this has likewise lead to the achievement o f the association in the nation (, 2017). Hence, the incentive in the worth chain could assist the association with expanding in the worldwide market. References Bocken, N.M.P., Short, S.W., Rana, P. what's more, Evans, S., 2014. A writing and practice audit to create economical plan of action archetypes.Journal of cleaner production,65, pp.42-56. DaSilva, C.M. what's more, Trkman, P., 2014. Plan of action: What it is and what it is not.Long run planning,47(6), pp.379-389. (2017).Value Chain - NAB. (2017).Values-adjusted Culture | Our Approach - NAB. Ghemawat, P., 2013.Redefining worldwide methodology: Crossing fringes in our current reality where contrasts despite everything matter. Harvard Business Press. Ghemawat, P., 2015. From International Business to Intranational Business. InEmerging Economies and Multinational Enterprises(pp. 5-28). Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Metcash Limited. (2017).About The Company - Metcash Limited.. Morris, M., Schindehutte, M., Richardson, J. furthermore, Allen, J., 2015. Is the plan of action a valuable vital idea? Reasonable, hypothetical, and observational insights.Journal of Small Business Strategy,17(1), pp.27-50.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Research Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 4

Research Paper - Essay Example Customarily, these issues were not evident on the grounds that travelers were truly mindful in aiding protecting the perfect idea of spots they visit. Be that as it may, today nature are turning into a blemish in view of misuse through ecotourism. Natural life is likewise undermined. Explanations behind this could be poor administration with the goal that nature and untamed life are not monitored. Ecoutourism turned into a type of business as opposed to energy about nature. Accordingly, regularly it hurries the decrease of common assets and causes the irregularity of natural environment because of some annihilation of fauna realized by broad the travel industry. Present day ecotourism ought to be changed from its present state to the position where it adds to biological safeguarding, nature assurance, and social duty. (Ensure you portray the issue completely in presentation. I think the issue was completely depicted. Other than I will be going past 5 pages in the event that I will am end the presentation. I even went past the quantity of word include required in your paper)(he said to me need more portray so you can change a few words by another words which is more estimation of depict) Ecotourism is accepted to add to biological safeguarding. This had been seen on account of turtle based ecotourism at Mon Repos Beach simply close Bundaberg, Australia (Tisdell, Clem and Wilson, Clevo, 1). The improvement of turtle based ecotourism contributed emphatically in its conservation. It was even embraced by different nations like Sri Lanka as their â€Å"come on† vacation spot. Perception likewise uncovers that when individuals are keen on certain spot, the more that the host networks will apply exertion to safeguard its regular excellence. A case of this is the Great Wall of China. Since the time it pulled in traveler from everywhere throughout the world, the Chinese government began to give specific consideration in the upkeep of the divider just as planting

Sunday, June 14, 2020

The Epilogues Necessity to a Christian Theme - Literature Essay Samples

Although Dostoevskys Crime and Punishment has a primarily social theme, it offers an interesting approach to the Christian interpretation of man. Through the self-destructive experiences of Raskolnikov, the reader is drawn to see the fallacy of human individualism when carried to the extreme. However, Dostoevsky also provides a hopeful message which teaches that through humility and love, even the most vile of men can be reformed. Raskolnikov finds the path to reformation through Sonia, who teaches Raskolnikov about loves power to release one from the chains of guilt. When considered with this theme in mind, the epilogue to Crime and Punishment is a powerful and necessary addition which enhances the overall structure and theme of the novel. At the beginning of the novel, the reader becomes acquainted with Raskolnikov. One can see evidence of Christianity in his character immediately after he commits murder. After attempting to prove his theory of an extraordinary individual, Ra skolnikov is afflicted with guilt. He realizes that his theory is wrong and begins to seek relief from his troubled conscience. Dostoevsky writes that Raskolnikov drove away thought and he only knew, one way or another, everything had to be changed (150). The idea that Raskolnikov must change his life in order to find peace of mind is clearly Christian. One of Christianitys main teachings is that comfort is found through converting to a new behavioral pattern. As the novel progresses, Dostoevsky shows that Raskolnikovs psychological illness is not going to heal on its own. Through the many failed attempts to forget his crime, the reader quickly understands that an internal change is necessary for Raskolnikov to find peace. The author provides the key to inner change in his main character through conversation with the drunkard Marmeladov. Although drunk, Marmeladov aptly quotes several Bible passages and then explains his beliefs about the Lord and Judgment Day. Marmeladov cl aims that the Lord will summon all the drunkards at the end of His judgment and will direct an explanation for doing so to the wise and clever ones saying, I receive them, O wise and clever ones, because not one among them considered himself worthy of this (21). From this the reader can see Dostoevskys stance that the humble are greater than the wise and clever. This idea also has a Christian foundation. A story can be found in Christian teaching about Jesus Christ answering the question Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? Christ answers by saying that whosoevershall humble himself as [a] little child, the same is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 18:1,4). Dostoevsky lays out the solution to Dostoevskys problem: he must humble himself if he wants to escape the debilitating guilt he feels. The author strengthens his argument that humility is key to relinquishing feelings of guilt by describing Raskolnikovs inability to abandon his pride. Even after being reminded of his conversation with Marmeladov, Raskolnikov still tries to fight his guilt on his own. He thinks to himself, Now for the kingdom of light and reason and and freedom, and powerand now we shall see! Now we shall match wits! (182) As if that were not obvious enough, Dostoevsky writes that Raskolnikov says this arrogantly as though he were addressing some dark force and issuing it a challenge (182). As the story continues, the reader is shown that Raskolnikov cannot overcome his guilt by reason and again slips into a delirious state of inner panic. By showing the reader more of the main characters egotism, the author gives greater credibility to the idea that humility is a necessary step to finding comfort for ones guilty conscience. Dostoevsky also uses Sonia to help Raskolnikov find the path to redemption. She acts as Raskolnikovs double. She too is a great sinner and in need of moral redemption. However, in contrast to Raskolnikov, she is at peace with hersel f. Once readers understand her secret for success, they can assume that it will also work for Raskolnikov. Sonia recognizes her unworthiness before God. At one point she asks, What would I be without God? (309) This viewpoint allows her to realize the true source of human worth and further allows her to love others unconditionally. At first, Raskolnikov mocks Sonia and calls her a holy fool (309). Later he confesses to her, but still allows his ego to get in the way as she describes the steps he must take to find peace. Towards the end of the book Raskolnikov decides to do what Sonia has advised him to do, and confesses his crime. However, at the last second, Dostoevsky tells the reader that the wordswhich had perhaps been ready on his tongue, died inside him (500). Raskolnikov cannot push aside his ego, and the book ends with the main character stuck with a guilty conscience. This is where the epilogues importance comes in: within its short pages, the reader sees the end result of the path that Dostoevsky has laid out for Raskolnikov. While in prison in Siberia, Raskolnikov is still plagued with guilt and egotism. He does not feel remorse for committing his crime. Rather, he feels ashamed that his pride was deeply wounded (515). In fact, he could find no specially terrible guilt in his past (515). He considers his crime to be a blunder, the sort of thing that might happen to anyone (515). Dostoevsky further points out Raskolnikov was only ashamed that his guilty feelings came so easily and that he felt no remorse for his crime (515). This obvious egotism ties the epilogue in with the rest of the novel. It begins where the book left off. The reader sees the same character flaw in this section as can be seen throughout the entire novel. Dostoevsky does well to keep the theme and structure consistent as he moves into the epilogue. At the end of the epilogue the reader, at long last, witnesses the change of heart that Dostoevsky has been cal ling for in his main character. Raskolnikov finally drops his pride and throws himself at Sonias feet. Dostoevsky explains that there was no longer any doubt he loved her (521). Raskolnikov has forgotten his ego and allowed newfound love and humility to grant him a feeling of light of a renewed future, a resurrection to a new life (521). The reader reads that Raskolnikov no longer tries to reason away his guilt and life replaced logic (522). The concept that happiness is found through forgiveness and love is a strong Christian teaching. Humility and love empower an individual with the ability to start anew, and to find happiness in life. Dostoevsky finishes his argument that the solution to overcoming moral guilt is the development of humility and love in this epilogue. The epilogues Christian undertones mirror those found in the rest of the novel. These undertones attach the epilogue to the rest of the novel and act as an effective continuation to the Christian argument tha t Dostoevsky lays out in Raskolnikovs story. The epilogue completes the novel. With it, the reader is able to bring together all the aspects of several different characters and apply them to fully understand one of Dostoevskys great messages in Crime and Punishment.Works CitedCrime and Punishment. Fyodor Dostoevsky. Translated by Sidney Monas. Signet Classic Printing. Feb. 1999

Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Advantages And Disadvantages Of The American Civil War

The Advantages and disadvantages of both sides during the civil war The American Civil War started in 1861 and ended in 1865. The two sides of the war are the Union (North) and Confederacy (South). The South wanted to keep slavery to maintain their economy and they worried that the North would end slavery. The South then seceded, starting the conflict. Around 620,000 people died in the war. Both sides of the war had advantages and disadvantages in the Civil War. Population in the South was small because it was based around farming communities, putting them at a disadvantage because they had fewer people to make up their army. On the other hand, they had great generals and a lot of morale. Meanwhile, the North’s large†¦show more content†¦Three weeks before the war ended the Confederacy eventually added slaves to their army in exchange for their freedom, but were not able to go into action. Their slaves did not want to fight to preserve slavery. Roughly 186,000 African Americans fought in the Civil War overall (Boyer 449). The transportation of products, supplies, Natural resources, and people in the North and South was a big factor in who won the war. The attached 1861 railroad map by James Lloyd shows how dense the railroads in the North were compared to the South. The North relied more on the railroad to transport their manufactured goods. The railroads also helped the union by sending ammunition and food quickly, but The there was a fear of being sabotaged. In the map, we can also see the South railroads were very scattered. The South didn t have much of a need to have as many railroads because they were farming communities. The Union also destroyed what little railroads the South had (Boyer 454). The Confederacy then could not transport supplies nor people to other parts of the South (Beringer 310). The North’s and the South’s economy had a hard time during the war.The North put their navy all around theShow MoreRelatedThe Advantages and Disadvantages of the North and South in the Am erican Civil War1501 Words   |  7 Pagesforeshadowed the war that became the bloodiest in all of the United States history. The Civil War was a brutal conflict between the North and South; brother against brother. With slavery as the root cause, Southern states had seceded from the Union and were fighting for their independence. They became the Confederate States of America (CSA) and were a force to be reckoned with. The Union, however, put up a fierce struggle to preserve the country. If the Civil War was to be a war of attrition, theRead MoreThe Northern culture versus the Southern culture and How did they impact the Civil War962 Words   |  4 PagesThe Civil War was one of the most horrific confrontations that Americans have faced, killing close to 620,000 soldiers. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Issues Concerning Human Trafficking And The Rights Of Its...

Issues Concerning Human Trafficking Stotts and Ramey stated in their journal: â€Å"Human trafficking involves millions of people, most of whom are female and half of whom are minors (U.S. Department of State, 2006). Described as a form of modern-day slavery (Bales Lize, 2005), human trafficking profoundly violates the rights of its victims. Human trafficking is quickly becoming one of the fastest growing businesses of organized crime (United Nations, 2002).Bales and Lize (2005) explained that human trafficking is a means by which people are brought into, as well as maintained in, slavery and forced labor. These authors described human trafficking as the actual process of enslavement†(Stotts and Ramey, 1). Human trafficking is a violation to the whole community of human on the Earth. It destroys the well-developed human society. It is the new slavery of modern time, trading African slaves are not allowed nowadays, but people still getting trade up all around the world even legally. It is one of the most organiz ed crime. The demand for cheap slaves is encouraging the human trafficking to grow faster and faster every year. Human trafficking is a phenomenon that happens around us every day, people are labeled with price as animals. Human trafficking is a global problem that is dangerous, detrimental, and an ever expanding issue that Governments are racing to solve(Stotts). Human trafficking is not a common word that hear every day, but it has become a common sin that happensShow MoreRelatedHuman Trafficking : An Evolving Global Phenomenon1719 Words   |  7 PagesHuman trafficking is an evolving global phenomenon that lacks adequate attention and information. The global issue has been around for many years, but it has been hidden and kept a secret by so many who knew it was going on. Today, there are â€Å"approximately 800,000 people trafficked across international borders† and many more trafficked from state to state (Richards 155). No longer is human trafficking hiding in the shadows of a small farm or town that is hidden away from a busy city near by. HumanRead MoreHuman Trafficking Is Not A New Concept1649 Words   |  7 Pagescompletely passed the point of no return. Human trafficking is the illegal movement of a person or people to be placed in prostitution or forced to work. Human trafficking is not a new concept it has been going on f or centuries. We use to refer to the act of human trafficking as slavery. Though I that Abraham Lincoln did away with that issue back in his presidency, or that it only happens in small third world countries, you would be wrong. Human trafficking is alive and well. With the number of casesRead MoreProstitution Prevention And Prevention Act1560 Words   |  7 Pagesperpetuation of human sex trafficking and the rising numbers of trafficked victims is also linked to Thailand’s weak government. 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Women and young girls make up 98% of victims of trafficking for exploitation. Human trafficking and sex slavery is a form of modern slavery, in which traffickers profit from the control and exploitation of others. It is a multi-billion industry. Traffickers use control of others for the purpose of engaging in sexual activities and or forcing others to provideRead MoreTrade Of Human Organs : Is It Ethical?1107 Words   |  5 PagesTrade of Human Organs - Is it Ethical? Over the last few decades, the number of patients on organ waiting lists in the US has continued to soar way above the number of organ donor. In some cases, patients have died waiting for organs from donors. According to available statistics, more than 100,000 patients are in the US transplant list waiting for organ donors. 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Free movement ofRead MoreHuman Trafficking in Malta1515 Words   |  7 Pagesthe Maltese Embassy of the United States, Malta serves as a trafficking destination for women and children who are subjected to forced labor, including in restaurants, private households and in unskilled or semi-skilled labor. With regards to our local issue, African mirgants whom are labelled as ‘irregular immigrants’ are directly being trafficked in the country’s informal labor market. Between 2003 and 2011 there were 25 reported victims 24 of which were women all of foreign dissent. Most of themRead MoreThe Polaris Project Was Founded By Derek Ellerman And Katherine Chon1010 Words   |  5 PagesDecember 7th, 2007, by Polaris, a non-profit, non-governmental organization, a leader in the global fight to eradicate modern slavery and restore freedom to survivors of human trafficking. Polaris is not a government entity, law enforcement, or immigration authority. Funding is provided by t he U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and other private donors and supporters. Who: The Polaris Project was founded by Derek Ellerman and Katherine Chon. Derek Ellerman is an American social

Brisbane Outdoor Power Purchasing and Inventory Management

Question: Discuss about theBrisbane Outdoor Power for Purchasing and Inventory Management. Answer: Introduction The purchasing and inventory management is an important part of the retail business and the importance for the system is paramount if there is more than one outlet like the business of the Brisbane outdoor. The report sheds light on the current purchasing and inventory management systems that are applied in the Strathpine branch. The purchasing manager does the purchasing in the branch and the different sources that are approached for supply differ and vary in case of the different items that are sold by the company (Sui, Gosavi, Lin, 2010). The management of the sources that are the primary suppliers need to be managed but the concern for the business should be kept in the forefront of the purchase (Muller, 2003). Therefore, before the purchasing can occur, the quality management should be carried out to check if the merchandise that is being bought is up to the quality standards of the company. These are the basic concerns that are to be addressed before any source can become a pe rmanent supplier in the business. There is also the checking of the capability of the supplier in terms of quick supply and ability supply in the amounts that is required by the store, which is a large one (Toomey, 2000). The inventory management is also part of the procedure as like any retail store the supplies are depleted at various rates and the inventory management can streamline the process of checking the stock of an item and ordering it if it is below a certain quantity that is based on the rate the item is sold. This process if not managed properly can result in overstocking of an item that is not sold enough and depleted of the item that is in demand by the customers and even be out of stock in the worst-case scenario (Van Belle, 2015). For this reason, the management of the inventory should be linked with the purchasing and the whole of the process integrated into one unit that is focused on the factor of keeping the store stocked with all items in adequate amount and the factoring in of the time that takes the fresh stock to arrive. Therefore, the process is a complex one and the different retail stores or chains do it differently from one another. The report describes and analyses the pr ocess that is followed in the Strathpine store of the Brisbane outdoor power. Discussion Description of the Current Practices The current purchasing and inventory management in the retail store of Brisbane outdoor power is based on the push pull strategy and the item is ordered when there is low inventory and there is safety stock, which differs on the variation of the demand of different products. The fluctuation in demand is the main reason for keeping safety stock and the seasonal and other factors that affect the demand are considered in the purchasing. The location of the warehouse of the seller and the transportation are also factored in the purchasing decisions and the time delay in the arrival of the new stock is factored in the demand of the product and the remaining stock (Van Belle, 2015). The inventory system is functional and the different choices offered are based on the brand and the capacity of the machine that is being sold. The choices are based on the price and the capacity of the power tool being sold. The various companies whose product is sold in the store are focused on the choices being offered by the competitor brands and the store if famous for their range of products and the different choices offered of the same product of the different brands (Wang, 2014). The inventory is based on the product type and the options offered which differs from time to time based on the demand of a product and the launching of new and better machines that offer better service (Weele, 2010). The purchasing manager makes the purchasing decisions and the decisions differ on the contacts with the different sources and the preference that is based on the product quality the asking price and discounts offered. The other factors that might affect the purchasing decision are the availability of the product or the shipping time of the companies and the demand of the product at that time and the time, that is available before the safety stock runs out. The inventory process is disjointed and updated only at the end of the week although the computers are used to record the sales the product or the components that are in demand are done separately. The ordering process is not connected with the sales figures or the availability of replacement product that might be used to stem the demand of the specific product. The more important factor of the purchasing is that the new sources are tested for their service capability and time taken and the efficiency of the transport before they a re taken as a regular sources. The service quality and efficiency and the price factors also play an important role in the sources being used for more than one product and the comparative benefits are taken into consideration while there are more than one source for a product (Mercado, 2008). Advantages and Disadvantages There are many advantages to the current system of purchasing and inventory management. There is the benefit that is offered by the purchasing decisions that consider the product type and the variation of the different brands and the unique benefits they offer is based on the demand of the product. This allows the store to keep a wide range of products and the customers get the chance to choose from different variations of the similar products sold by the different companies. This gives the store the unique identity that helps them in attracting more customers who are interested in the buying options they get (Jaber, 2009). There is a disadvantage to the system, as the company has to keep track of many items and the factor that does not consider the fact that the unavailability of one product might boost the sale of one comparable product or the profit margin offered by the different brands in the similarly priced products. The disjointed purchasing that is not integrated with the inventory system does not offer the full functionality that could have been offered if the record of sales would have been used in the purchasing procedure. The real time information and the availability of the information stock at any given time and the current sales rates calculation all of these can be done by integrating the sales record that would calculate the inventory and time left before an order has to be made (Inventory management, 2005). The current procedure is disjointed and takes much more time and the inventory process has to be done separately when it could as easily have been done by the sales records in much less effort. There is also the point to be considered that the purchasing manager makes the decision but the experienced staff are not used in the process and the different points that might affect the sales of one product over another is not taken into consideration (Inventory management, 2005). The customer preferences and the unique selling points of the products are not considered into the purchasing managers decision. As this is a routine activity, there are no meetings on the decisions and the customer perspective that might affect the sales rate of one product depending on the availability of other products is not taken into consideration. How to Increase Efficiency in Purchasing and Inventory Management The efficiency in the purchasing can be increased if it is integrated with the sales record management. This is the main suggestion in this aspect as the efficiency will increase tenfold if the sales records are used to automatically tally the numbers of products sold to create a list of the items remaining in stock. This can also be integrated with the time for the safety stock to last and the time before the store runs out of the product. This will help in the efficiency of the overall system, the job of the people involved in the process will become much easier, and the efficiency will increase (Eckerd, 2016). The manager will also have a better insight into how the availability of one product can affect the sales rates of another if the employee opinion are taken as the sales staff will be more aware of the customer trends and the buying choices that will help make the purchasing decisions. Therefore, the meetings among the purchasing and inventory staff and the sales staff should be included in the routine activity that will discuss the different products and the factors that affect the customer choice (Dooley, 2016). These two methods will help raise the efficiency level of the purchasing and inventory management system that is currently employed in the store. Restructuring Options The integration of the sales record and the inventory management should be the first priority of the company as the benefits that are gained from the process are the most important and this action will have the most effect on the system and the efficiency of the process. This has to be done by an IT firm to make the software for the projection of the time remaining before stock runs out and help in the purchasing decisions (Chunawalla, 2008). The different factors that have to be taken into consideration are the factor that will note the current sales rates and the make projections on the fluctuations, which will help the store, meet the needs of the market better. The meeting between the sales and the inventory management staff will also need to be implemented by the store as it will also have significant impact on stocking decisions and purchasing decisions (Day, 2002). Action Plan Who What when how Contracted IT services The integration of the sales record management with the inventory management to make projections about the stock availability and predict the demand The time taken will depend on the resources of the firm and the cost of hiring them and their efficiency The designing of a sales recording software that will contain the inventory management options and predict the availability of the items and demands The purchasing manager and the sales staff Participate in regular meetings to make sure that the customer perspective is considered into the purchasing decisions of the firm Within one month Scheduling weekly meeting and the agenda that will be decided by the predictions of the combined sales record and inventory management. Conclusion The report is concise and it points directly towards the issues in the current system and even makes suggestions on how to improve the efficiency of the system. 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